The blog

Total count 697

The new thermite reaction 20 June 2012 - Fool around with chemicals
Sanofi artemisinin update 17 June 2015 - Drug research
Replaced by computational overlords not just yet 13 June 2015 - Computational chemistry
Olefin hydroamination latest 22 May 2015 - Organic chemicstry
Walk like an inchworm 16 May 2015 - Making It Move XV
Get more out star anise 13 May 2015 - Expresso technology
Safe acetylene source 09 May 2015 - Bench work
Disilicon tetroxide 23 April 2015 - Chemical Zoo
ZrIrSb 04 April 2015 - Chemical Zoo
OPRD solvent survey 28 March 2015 - Data mining