Overview of reducing reagents in the chemical reaction database

Reducing reagents

compound name
Lithium tri-sec-butylborohydride L-selectride Go
(+)-B-Chlorodiisopinocampheylborane (+)-Ipc2BCl Go
(+)-B-Methoxydiisopinocampheylborane (+)–Ipc2B(Ome) Go
1-methyl-1,4-cyclohexadiene MeCHD Go
1,3-cyclohexadiene Go
1,4-cyclohexadiene Go
2-methylpyridine borane complex 2-picoline.BH3 Go
Aluminum amalgam Al-Hg Go
Amalgamated zinc Zn(Hg) Go
ammonia borane H3NBH3 Go
ascorbic acid Go
borane BH3 Go
borane 2-methylpyridine picoline borane Go
borane dimethylsulfide BMS Go
Borane N,N-diethylaniline complex N,N-diethylaniline.BH3 Go
borane tert-butylamine tBuNH2.BH3 Go
Borane THF BH3.THF Go
chloro-bis[(2S,3R)-2,8,8-trimethyl-3-bicyclo[3.2.1]octanyl]borane (−)-DIP-Cl Go
cyclohexene Go
D,L-dithiothreitol DTT Go