Overview of reaction types organic reaction database

Reaction name Description namespace Count
1,2-dihaloalkene reduction Conversion of a 1,2-dihaloalkene to a monosubstituted haloalkene. i 162 Go
2H-chromene synthesis from terminal alkyne Aromatic substitution reaction and intramolecular ring-closing reaction of a phenyl propargyl ether to form a 2H-chromene. i 31 Go
Acetylation Adding a (protective) acetyl group to a hydroxyl group. Source: Wikipedia i 1139 Go
Acid alkylation with diazo compounds With diazo compounds acids react to esters, with diazomethane the reaction product is a methyl ester. (March 0-28) i 466 Go
Activation reaction Any reaction that activates amines and alcohols for subsequent substitution reactions for example as a triflate i 7707 Go
acylation Formation of a covalent bond between a substrate and an acyl group. i 1 Go
addition reaction step A reaction in which two or more groups of atoms are added to the molecule, resulting in a change of skeletal bond order. i 17 Go
Addition–elimination reaction Any reaction involving a nucleophilic addition followed by an elimination reaction (Wikipedia) i 3 Go
AES dehalogenation Replacement of an aromatic halogen by hydrogen. Reagents: Friedel-Crafts catalysts, catalytic hydrogenation. Source: March 1-45 i 1030 Go
aldehyde reduction A reduction in which an aldehyde is reduced to form a primary alcohol. i 3711 Go
aldol addition A carbon-carbon coupling reaction where an enol or enolate reacts with a carbonyl compound to form a beta-hydroxy ketone. The name comes from aldehyde + alcohol. i 65 Go
aldol condensation An aldol addition where an enol or enolate reacts with a carbonyl compound to form an alpha,beta-unsaturated ketone. i 168 Go
Aliphatic dehalogenation Reduction of alkyl halides with dehydrohalogenation. Hydro-de-halogenation (March 0.77) i 189 Go
Aliphatic nucleophilic substitution Reaction of a nucleophile for example a bromine anion with an aliphatic substrate with a good leaving group i 19350 Go
Aliphatic nucleophilic substitution at activated oxygen Reaction of a nucleophile with an activated oxygen electrophile, for example a tosylate or mesylate i 1819 Go
Alkene dehydrohalogenation Conversion of an vinyl halide to an alkyne (March 7.14) i 63 Go
alkene metathesis A joining reaction in which two carbon-carbon double bonds are redistributed among two fragments, i.e. two alkenes. It is typically catalysed by a metal carbenoid, and proceeds via two four-membered intermediates (metallacyclobutanes). The reaction is driven by release of a low-MW alkene. i 3 Go
alkene ozonolysis An alkene oxidation where the reagent is ozone and the product is the corresponding ozonide. i 1 Go
alkene reduction to alkane A hydrogenation reaction where an alkene is reduced to an alkane. i 2 Go
Alkylation at active-hydrogen alpha carbon Alkylation reaction on substrates carrying a carbon atom with active hydrogen of the type Z-CH2-Z. Malonic ester synthesis excluded. Source: March 0-96 i 105 Go
Alkylation of ketones, nitriles and esters Alkylation by alkyl halides of ketones, esters and nitriles at alpha carbon position. requires strong base. With carbonyl groups the enolate conjugate base is involved Source: March 0-97 i 2630 Go
Alkyne 1,2-addition 1,2-additions over an alkyne by amines and alcohols to form enamines and enols i 53 Go
Alkyne deprotection Alkyne deprotection with removal of trimethylsilyl group. i 2122 Go
Alkyne to alkene reduction Any reaction reducing an alkyne to an alkene i 299 Go
Alkyne trimerisation a [2+2+2]cycloaddition reaction in which three alkyne units react to form a benzene ring, requires a catalyst. Source: Wikipedia i 3 Go
alkyne-azide click reaction A [3+2] cycloaddition reaction between an azide and an alkyne to give a 1,2,3-triazole, needing only heat to proceed. i 152 Go
Amide dehydration to a nitrile Conversion of an amide to a nitrile, commonly with phosphorus pentoxide (March 7.42) i 2562 Go
Amide hydrolysis Amide hydrolysis other than BOC deprotection, amine group retained or carboxylic acid group retained i 3975 Go
amide reduction to amine A reduction process where an amide is transformed into an amine. i 2620 Go
amination Formation of a covalent bond between a substrate and an amino group. i 2667 Go
Amine salt formation Amines react with acids (HCl, carboxylic acids) to form ammonium salts. (Source: Wikipedia) i 4 Go
amino group deprotection A deprotection reaction where the reactive centre is an amino nitrogen atom e.g. tert-butylsulfinyl, BOC deprotection excluded. i 14411 Go
amino group protection A protection reaction where the reactive centre is an amino nitrogen atom. i 1521 Go
Appel bromination Conversion of an alcohol to an alkyl bromide with triphenylphosphine and tetrabromomethane or bromine. i 2126 Go
Appel chlorination Conversion of an alcohol to an alkyl chloride with triphenylphosphine and tetrachloromethane. i 145 Go
Appel iodination Conversion of an alcohol to an alkyl iodide with triphenylphosphine and tetraiodomethane. i 530 Go
Aromatic amino-de-halogenation Reaction of an aryl halide with an amine catalysed by copper or nickel. (March 3-6) i 1638 Go
Aromatic halogen exchange reaction Any reaction converting an aromatic bromide or chloride to an aromatic iodide i 429 Go
Aromatic nitration A reaction that adds a nitro group to an aromatic ring involving an nitronium ion i 3228 Go
Aromatic sulfonation Formation of an sulfonic acid from an arene and a sulfonation reagent for example sulfuric acid or sulfur trioxide. (Source: Wikipedia) i 72 Go
Aromatization Any reaction in which an aromatic system is formed from a single nonaromatic ringsystem. Source: Wikipedia i 1 Go
Aryl-aryl Grignard coupling A reaction of an aryl Grignard reagent with an aryl halide forming an aryl - aryl coupling adduct i 57 Go
aza-Diels-Alder reaction A Diels-Alder reaction between a diene and an imine or an azadiene and an alkene to give a six-membered nitrogen-containing ring compound. i 2 Go
aza-Wacker cyclisation A cyclisation where an amino group acts as the nucleophile in a Wacker-Tsuji oxidation accompanied by beta-hydride elimination, forming a ring. i 1 Go
Azacycle synthesis by imine formation Any condensation between a an amine and a carbonyl group containing compound forming a new nitrogen containing 5,6 or 7 membered cycle for example a pyrimidine, see also pyrrole synthesis i 178 Go
Azido-de-diazoniation Conversion of an diazonium salt to an azide by the addition of sodium azide (March 3-23) i 1 Go
Baeyer-Villiger oxidation A reaction of a ketone to give an ester, in which an alkyl, benzyl or phenyl group migrates from one of the alpha-carbon centres to an adjacent oxygen, displacing an oxygen-based leaving group; the result is a formal insertion of an oxygen atom. The reaction also works with aldehydes, giving the corresponding carboxylic acid. The term "Baeyer-Villiger rearrangement" may occasionally be used in a mechanistic sense to refer specificially to the actual rearrangement step. i 59 Go
Bamford-Stevens reaction The reaction of a tosylhydrazone of an aldehyde or ketone with a strong base to give an olefin. i 12 Go
Barton decarboxylation The decarboxylation of a carboxylic acid to the lower homologue alkane using a pyridine thione. i 5 Go
Barton-McCombie deoxygenation The deoxygenation of an alcohol to the corresponding alkane using a thiochloroformate. It proceeds by a radical mechanism. i 26 Go
Baylis-Hillman reaction A carbon-carbon coupling of an aldehyde to an activated alkene in the presence of a nucleophilic base to give an alpha-hydroxyalkylated compound. i 2 Go
Beckmann rearrangement A rearrangement where an oxime rearranges to form an amide. Often there is selective migration of one group. i 53 Go
Benzyl alcohol reduction Reduction of an aromatic methyl alcohol group to a methyl group i 14 Go
benzylamine deprotection An amino group deprotection reaction where a benzyl group is removed. i 4516 Go
Bischler-Napieralski reaction A cyclodehydration of a beta-phenethylamide to give a 3,4-dihydroisoquinoline. i 111 Go
Boc deprotection An amino group deprotection reaction where a tertbutoxycarbonyl group is removed in acid conditions. i 59716 Go
Boc protection A protection reaction in which an amine is converted into a tert-butoxycarbonyl compound. i 11064 Go
bromo Heck-type reaction A Heck-type reaction where an organobromide couples to a terminal olefin to produce an internal olefin. i 646 Go
bromo Sonogashira coupling A Sonogashira coupling where the aryl halide is an aryl bromide. i 1593 Go
bromo Suzuki coupling A Suzuki coupling where the halide is a bromide. i 33596 Go
Buchner ring expansion a carbon-carbon bond forming reaction used to synthesise 7-membered rings from 6-membered rings with formation of a carbene from a ethyl diazoacetate. Source: Wikipedia i 1 Go
Buchwald-Hartwig amination A reaction in which an aryl halide or aryl triflate reacts with a primary or secondary amine in the presence of base to give a secondary or tertiary amine. It is catalysed by a palladium catalyst. i 16818 Go
C-H activation A type of organic reaction in which a carbon–hydrogen bond is cleaved and replaced with a C-C, C-O or C-N bond in the presence of a transition metal (Source: Wikipedia) i 1 Go
Carbamate reduction Reduction of carbamates ROC(=O)NRR to an amine HNRR with reducing agent (dihydrogen) and catalyst (Pd) i 4117 Go
Carbene reaction Any reaction involving a carbene as reactive intermediate i 4 Go
carbon-carbon coupling reaction A reaction where a bond is formed between two carbon atoms. i 2 Go
carbonyl compound to imine conversion A functional group modification where a carbonyl compound is converted to an imine. With an α-carbonyl proton present the reaction product is an enamine (Alkylimino-de-oxo-bisubstitution) i 9002 Go
carbonyl group protection A protection reaction where the reactive centre is a carbonyl oxygen i 180 Go
Carbonyl thiation Conversion of carbonyl compound to thioketone, with for example Lawesson's reagent i 1290 Go
Carboximidamide synthesis from imines Conversion of an imine to a carboximidamide i 100 Go
carboxy group deprotection A deprotection reaction where the reactive centre is a carboxy oxygen atom. i 2392 Go
Carboxylate salt formation Carboxylic acids react with bases to form carboxylate salts, in which the hydrogen of the hydroxyl (–OH) group is replaced with a metal cation. (Source: Wikipedia) i 549 Go
carboxylic acid benzyl ester deprotection carboxylic acid benzyl ester deprotection, for example with hydrogen / palladium i 2525 Go
carboxylic acid to acid chloride conversion A functional group modification where a carboxylic acid is converted to an acid chloride. i 4969 Go
carboxylic acid to primary alcohol reduction A carboxylic acid reduction where the product is the corresponding primary alcohol. i 4070 Go
Catalysed nucleophilic aromatic substitution with S-nucleophiles a palladium, copper catalysed substitution reaction in which an sulfur nucleophile displaces a good leaving group, such as a halide, on an electron deficient aromatic ring. i 75 Go
Chan-Lam coupling Arylation of an amine or an alcohol with an arylboronic acid, stannane or siloxane in air with a copper acetate catalyst. i 250 Go
chloro Heck reaction A Heck reaction where an organochloride couples to a terminal olefin to produce an internal olefin, catalysed by palladium. i 37 Go
chloro Sonogashira coupling A Sonogashira coupling where the aryl halide is an aryl chloride. i 238 Go
chloro Suzuki coupling A Suzuki coupling where the halide is a chloride. i 11523 Go
Chugaev reaction Elimination of a water molecule from a secondary alcohol to yield an olefin. i 1 Go
Claisen rearrangement The [3,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement of an allyl vinyl ether to give a gamma,delta-unsaturated carbonyl compound. i 3 Go
Cleavage of an N-trimethylsilylmethyl group Cleavage of an N-trimethylsilylmethyl group to an N-methyl group can be rought about by TBAF. i 43 Go
Clemmensen reduction A functional group reduction where an aldehyde or ketone carbonyl group is reduced to a methylene with zinc-mercury amalgam and hydrochloric acid. i 2 Go
Colvin Rearrangement homologization and addition of lithiated TMS diazomethane to aldehydes to form an alkyne i 1 Go
conjugate addition A joining reaction where a nucleophile adds to the beta-carbon of an alpha,beta-unsaturated system (or an activated carbon-carbon bond). i 2 Go
copper(I)-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition A [3+2] cycloaddition reaction between an azide and an alkyne to give a 1,2,3-triazole as a single regioisomer. i 311 Go
Corey-Bakshi-Shibata reduction Enantioselective reduction of a ketone to an alcohol with a chiral oxazaborolidine. i 24 Go
Corey-Fuchs reaction A homologation reaction of an aldehyde to yield a terminal alkyne. The reagents are tetrabromomethane, triphenylphosphine, butyllithium and water. i 73 Go
cross-coupling A joining reaction where a carbon-carbon bond is formed between unlike moieties. i 5 Go
Curtius rearrangement A rearrangement of an acyl azide to give an isocyanate by pyrolysis, with the elimination of molecular nitrogen. The isocyanate may or may not be intercepted by a nitrogen or oxygen nucleophile i 117 Go
cyanoacetic ester synthesis Alkylation reaction of alkyl halides with compounds containing an alpha carbon flanked by a ester and a cyano group. Variation of malonic ester reaction. Source: March 0-96 i 53 Go
cycloaddition A molecular process where two or more unsaturated molecules or parts of the same molecule combine to form a cyclic adduct in which there is a net reduction of bond multiplicity. i 1 Go
Cyclopropanation Any substitution reaction in which a cyclopropane ring is created. i 461 Go
Deacetylation The removal of a (protective) acetyl group, leaving an hydroxyl group. Source: Wikipedia i 3546 Go
Dearomatization reaction Any reaction removing aromaticity from a ring system, exclsuing Birch reduction. Source Wikipedia. i 1 Go
decarboxylation Breaking of a covalent bond between a molecule and a carboxy group. i 1003 Go
dehalogenation Breaking of a covalent bond between a substrate and a halo group. i 1 Go
Dehydrohalogenation dehydrohalogenation is an elimination reaction which removes a hydrogen halide from a substrate. The reaction is usually associated with the synthesis of alkenes, but it has wider applications. i 40 Go
Demethylation at oxygen Any reaction converting a methoxy group to an hydroxyl group with demethylation i 20966 Go
deprotection reaction A reaction in which a protecting group is modified by converting it into a functional group. i 1 Go
Dess-Martin aldehyde oxidation A Dess-Martin oxidation of a primary alcohol to an aldehyde. i 3798 Go
Dess-Martin ketone oxidation A Dess-Martin oxidation of a secondary alcohol to a ketone. i 1144 Go
Dess-Martin oxidation The oxidation of a primary alcohol to an aldehyde or a secondary alcohol to a ketone using the Dess-Martin periodinane. i 1 Go
diazotisation A functional group oxidation where an aromatic amine is transformed into an aromatic diazonium salt. i 61 Go
Dieckmann cyclisation An intramolecular cyclisation of a diester to give a cyclic beta-ketoester. i 95 Go
Diels-Alder reaction A [4+2] cycloaddition reaction where a diene reacts with a compound containing a double or triple bond (a dienophile) to form an unsaturated six-membered ring compound. i 3 Go
Difluoromethoxylation and trifluoromethoxylation Any reaction introducing a difluoromethoxy group or a trifluoromethoxy group into a molecule. Both functional groups are relevant to medicinal chemistry i 2 Go
difluoromethyl group addition Addition of an difluoromethyl group at nitrogen, oxygen or carbon i 588 Go
Einhorn–Brunner reaction the chemical reaction of imides with alkyl hydrazines to form an isomeric mixture of 1,2,4-triazoles. (Source: Wikipedia) i 7 Go
Electrophilic decarboxylative halogenation A type of electrophilic aromatic substitution with a halogenation donor reagent accompanied by decarboxylation i 124 Go
Electrophilic halogenation Type of electrophilic substitution reaction, replacing a hydrogen atom for a halide, usually catalysed by a Lewis acid. i 23017 Go
electrophilic methylation Electrophilic methylations are commonly performed using electrophilic methyl sources such as iodomethane, dimethyl sulfate, dimethyl carbonate, or tetramethylammonium chloride (Source: Wikipedia) i 1947 Go
elimination reaction A molecular process where two groups are lost with concomitant formation of an unsaturation in the molecule or formation of a new ring. i 2919 Go
enamine - imine tautomerization tautomerization reaction of an enamine to an imine. For example as result of N-Boc deprotection i 280 Go
Enders SAMP/RAMP hydrazone-alkylation reaction an asymmetric carbon-carbon bond formation reaction facilitated by pyrrolidine chiral auxiliaries.(Source: Wikipedia) i 4 Go
ene reaction A joining reaction where an alkene with an allylic hydrogen reacts with a compound containing a multiple bond (an enophile) to form a substituted alkene. i 4 Go
Epoxy-ring opening Ring-openings reaction of an epoxide with N,S,O nucleophiles i 909 Go
ester reduction A reduction process where the oxidation state carbonyl carbon in the ester functionality is reduced. Reduction to aldehyde not included i 13638 Go
ester reduction to aldehyde An ester reduction where the product is the corresponding aldehyde. i 859 Go
ethyl ester deprotection A deprotection reaction where the reactant is an ethyl ester and the product is a carboxylic acid. i 20752 Go
Evans−Tishchenko reduction is the diastereoselective reduction of β-hydroxy ketones to the corresponding 1,3-anti diol monoesters. The reaction employs a Lewis acid, often samarium iodide, and an aldehyde. i 1 Go
extrusion reaction A cleaving reaction in which a skeletal atom or group of atoms is removed from the middle of a molecule. i 1 Go
Favorskii reaction A reaction between an alkyne and a carbonyl group under basic conditions in which a terminal alkyne serves as the CH-acidic moiety. When the carbonyl is an aldehyde, the 'Favorskii rearrangement' (RXNO:0000385) takes place and leads to an enone i 77 Go
Feist-Bénary synthesis Reaction of an alpha-haloketone or alpha-haloether with a 1,3-dicarbonyl compound in the presence of pyridine to yield a substituted furan. i 263 Go
Fiesselmann thiophene synthesis allows for the generation of 3-hydroxy-2-thiophenecarboxylic acid derivatives from α,β-acetylenic esters with thioglycolic acid and its derivatives under the presence of a base i 2 Go
Fischer indole synthesis Reaction of an aldehyde or ketone with a phenylhydrazine to give an indole. i 10 Go
Fischer-Speier esterification The esterification of a carboxylic acid with an alcohol. Various Lewis acids or Bronsted acids may be used as catalyst. i 11242 Go
Fleming-Tamao oxidation The stereospecific oxidation of a (phenyldimethylsilyl)alkane to the corresponding alcohol using bromine, usually generated in situ from potassium bromide and peracetic acid. i 3 Go
Formamide dehydration to isonitrile Formamide dehydration to isonitrile to form an isonitrile (CNC), usual reagents POCl3 or Burgess reagent i 51 Go
formylation Formation of a covalent bond between a substrate and a formyl group. i 1 Go
Free amine formation Reaction with base to a free amine from an ammonium salt with acids (HCl, carboxylic acid). (Source: Wikipedia) i 1 Go
Friedel-Crafts acylation A carbon-carbon coupling reaction between an arene and a carbonyl compound (usually an acyl halide) to give an aryl ketone. The reaction is catalysed by a Lewis acid. i 1120 Go
Friedel-Crafts alkylation A carbon-carbon coupling reaction between an arene and an alkyl halide/alkene/alcohol (anything that can form a carbocation) to give a substituted arene. The reaction is catalysed by a Lewis acid. i 251 Go
Friedel-Crafts reaction A carbon-carbon coupling reaction between an arene and a carbonyl compound (an acylation) or an alkyl compound that can form a carbocation (an alkylation) to form a substituted arene. i 1 Go
functional group oxidation A functional group modification reaction where a functional group is oxidised. i 1 Go
functional group reduction A functional group modification reaction where a functional group is reduced. i 1 Go
Giese reaction hydroalkylation process by the addition of nucleophilic radicals to electron-poor olefins. i 3 Go
Giese-Baran cyclization i 2 Go
Grignard reaction A carbon-carbon coupling reaction where a Grignard reagent reacts with a compound containing an electrophilic carbon atom. A Grignard reagent is a magnesium-stabilised carbon nucleophile. An aldehyde leads to a secondary alcohol, a ketone leads to a tertiary alcohol, an ester leads to a ketone and a nitrile leads to a ketone. i 5700 Go
Groebke–Blackburn–Bienaymé reaction GBBR reaction, synthesis of a fused imidazole based on a multicomponent reaction of an aldehyde, isocyanide and amidine i 1 Go
Halogen dance Rearrangement of polyhaloaryls with strong base. March 1-45 i 1 Go
halogenation Formation of a covalent bond between a substrate and a halo group. i 6 Go
Halogenation of 2-hydroxy-N-heterocycles Conversion of 2-hydroxypyridines to 2-halopyridines with reagents such as POCl3 i 2317 Go
Hantzsch pyridine synthesis A ring-forming reaction between two equivalents of a beta-ketoester, an aldehyde and ammonia (or an ammonium salt), to give a dihydropyridine. The dihydropyridine can be oxidised to a pyridine using an oxidising agent. i 2 Go
Hauser-Kraus annulation an anthraquinone forming reaction from a fused lactone and an alkene. i 1 Go
Heck reaction A carbon-carbon coupling reaction where an organohalide or triflate couples to a terminal olefin to produce an internal olefin, catalysed by palladium. It is stereospecific. i 171 Go
Heck-type reaction A carbon-carbon coupling reaction where an organohalide or triflate couples to a terminal olefin to produce an internal olefin. i 1 Go
Hell-Volhard-Zelinsky reaction An alpha-halogenation reaction where a carboxylic acid reacts with dibromine to form an alpha-bromocarboxylic acid. i 19 Go
Henry reaction A carbon-carbon coupling reaction between a nitroalkane and an aldehyde or ketone to give a beta-hydroxy nitroalkane. i 6 Go
Hofmann reaction Conversion of a primary carboxylic amide to the lower homologue primary amine. The first step is the Hofmann rearrangement i 6 Go
Homologation reaction any reaction converting a reactant into the next member of a homologous series for example extension of a chain by a methylene group. Source: Wikipedia i 1 Go
homolytic aromatic substitution Aromatic substitution involving radical species (HAS) i 1 Go
Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons reaction A carbon-carbon coupling reaction between a phosphonate and a carbonyl compound to give an olefin. i 264 Go
Hunsdiecker reaction The decarboxylation of silver carboxylates with halogens to give organic halides. i 1 Go
hydroamination The addition of the N-H bond of an amine across a double bond of an alkene or alkyne, to give a more substituted amine. i 750 Go
hydroboration The addition of a boron hydride across a double bond of an alkene or alkyne. The boron usually adds to the less substituted carbon. i 41 Go
hydroboration-oxidation The formal addition of water across a double bond of an alkene or alkyne by formation of an organoborane and in situ oxidation, typically with basic peroxide. The product is usually the less substituted alcohol. i 1009 Go
Hydrogen atom transfer (HAT) chemical reaction where a hydrogen free radical is removed from a substrate to another molecule. Source: Wikipedia i 2 Go
hydrogenation A reduction process that involves addition of hydrogen atoms across a double bond. i 10403 Go
Hydrogenolysis A reaction in which a carbon–carbon or carbon–heteroatom single bond is cleaved or undergoes lysis (breakdown) by hydrogen (source: Wikipedia). i 605 Go
hydrostannylation The reaction of a organotin hydride with an alkene or alkyne, to give an intermediate tin species that can give various products after work-up. i 38 Go
hydroxy group deprotection A deprotection reaction where the reactive centre is an oxygen atom. i 16754 Go
hydroxyl group protection A protection reaction where the reactive centre is a hydroxyl oxygen atom. i 670 Go
hydrozirconation The reaction of a organozirconium hydride with an alkene or alkyne, to give an intermediate zirconium species that can give various products after work-up. The zirconium reagent used is typically Schwartz's reagent, Cp2ZrHCl. i 1 Go
imidazole synthesis A planned reaction in which one of the products contains an imidazole system that was not in any of the reactants. i 1935 Go
imide ring synthesis Any ring-forming reaction involving the completion of a imide unit i 574 Go
imide ring synthesis by amine and anhydride condensation Any reaction between an amine and an anhydride forming an imide i 783 Go
Intramolecular condensation imidazoline Any condensation reaction that creates a imidazoline ring from a linear chain i 57 Go
Intramolecular condensation thiazoline Any condensation reaction that creates a thiazoline ring from a linear chain i 36 Go
intramolecular Prins reaction A reaction between formaldehyde and an alkene to give a 1,3-dioxane, catalysed by acid. i 1 Go
inverse electron-demand Diels–Alder reaction IEDDA, a cycloaddition between an electron-rich dienophile and an electron-poor diene. Source: Wikipedia i 1 Go
iodo Heck reaction A Heck reaction where an organoiodide couples to a terminal olefin to produce an internal olefin, catalysed by palladium. i 201 Go
iodo Sonogashira coupling A Sonogashira coupling where the aryl halide is an aryl iodide. i 1707 Go
iodo Suzuki coupling A Suzuki coupling where the halide is an iodide. i 5919 Go
Isocyanate synthesis Isocyanate synthesis (R=N=C=O) from amines and amides with phosgene. (Source: Wikipedia) i 160 Go
Johnson-Claisen rearrangement The coupling and subsequent [3,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement of an allylic alcohol and trimethyl orthoacetate to give a gamma,delta-unsaturated alkyl ester. i 1 Go
Johnson-Corey-Chaykovsky cyclopropane synthesis Reaction of a sulfur ylide with an olefin to produce a cyclopropane. i 3 Go
Johnson-Corey-Chaykovsky epoxide synthesis Reaction of a sulfur ylide with a ketone to produce an epoxide. i 66 Go
Jones oxidation An oxidation reaction where an alcohol is oxidized to the corresponding carbonyl compound by a dichromate ion. i 824 Go
keto to enol ether transformation Conversion of an ketone or aldehyde to a enol ether. May be accompanied by secondary etherfication or esterification i 987 Go
Ketone halogenation Ketones can be halogenated at the alpha position with bromine, chlorine or iodine to form a haloketone, also possible with aldehydes. (Source: March 2-4) i 2526 Go
ketone reduction A reduction process where a ketone is reduced to a secondary alcohol. i 7237 Go
Knoevenagel condensation A carbon-carbon coupling reaction of an aldehyde and a methylene compound. i 3 Go
Knorr pyrazole synthesis Synthesis of a pyrazole by condensation of a 1,3-dicarbonyl compound with a hydrazine, hydrazide, semicarbazide or aminoguanidine. i 279 Go
Kolbe electrolysis The decarboxylation and coupling of a carboxylate or mixture of carboxylates to give a dimer. i 1 Go
Krische allylation Enantioselective addition reaction of an allyl group to an aldehyde or an alcohol, resulting in a secondary homoallylic alcohol. Source: Wikipedia i 1 Go
Lactam forming reaction Any intramolecular reaction forming a lactam (cyclic amide) 5,6-membered ring. Source: WIkipedia i 4095 Go
Lactone forming reaction Any reaction forming a lactone, for example intramolecular esterification i 85 Go
Larock indole synthesis Palladium-catalysed synthesis of a 2,3-substituted indole by reaction of an ortho-iodoaniline with an internal alkyne. i 3 Go
Lemieux-Johnson oxidation A cleaving reaction where an olefin is dihydroxylated with osmium tetroxide and undergoes a Malaprade reaction to yield two aldehydes, two ketones, or an aldehyde and a ketone. i 425 Go
Ley oxidation The use of Tetrapropylammonium perruthenate in the oxidation of a primary alcohol to an aldehyde. i 173 Go
Liebeskind-Srogl coupling A cross-coupling reaction where a thioester and a boronic acid react to form a ketone. It uses a metal catalyst. i 1 Go
Luche reduction The chemoselective reduction of an enone to give an allylic alcohol, using sodium borohydride and an lanthanoid chloride, typically cerium chloride. i 6 Go
malonic ester synthesis A carbon-carbon coupling reaction between a dialkyl malonate and an alkyl or aryl halide, to give a substituted acetic acid. The base/RX treatment can be repeated to give a disubstituted product. i 536 Go
Mannich reaction A carbon-carbon coupling reaction where ammonia or an amine reacts with a non-enolisable aldehyde, often methanal, and an enolisable carbonyl compound to form a beta-amino carbonyl compound. i 2 Go
Matteson Homologation Synthesis of alpha-halo boronic ester from an boronic ester and a dihalomethyl compound i 6 Go
McLoughlin-Thrower reaction Coupling reaction and trifluoromethylation using iodofluoroalkanes, iodoaromatic compounds and copper. Source: Wikipedia i 90 Go
Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley reduction A reduction of an aldehyde or ketone to an alcohol involving an equilibrium between the aldehyde or ketone and a reagent alcohol present in excess, catalysed by a metal alkoxide. This reaction is the reverse of the Oppenauer oxidation (RXNO:0000047). i 1 Go
Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley reduction of a ketone Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley reduction of a ketone to the corresponding secondary alcohol. i 1 Go
Menshutkin reaction The alkylation of a tertiary amine with an alkyl halide to the corresponding ammonium salt. i 733 Go
methyl ester deprotection A deprotection reaction where the reactant is a methyl ester and the product is a carboxylic acid. i 26894 Go
Michael addition A conjugate addition reaction where a carbon nucleophile adds to the beta-carbon of an alpha,beta-unsaturated system (or an activated carbon-carbon bond). i 7 Go
Milas dihydroxylation Conversion of alkene to vicinal diol with use of stoichiometric amount of peroxide. i 17 Go
Mitsunobu reaction A substitution where an alcohol is converted into something else. Typical reagents are a dialkyl azodicarboxylate and a triarylphosphine. The alcohol stereocentre is inverted. i 7771 Go
Miyaura borylation A chemical reaction that allows the generation of boronates from vinyl or aryl halides with the cross-coupling of bis(pinacolato)diboron under basic conditions i 2445 Go
Mukaiyama aldol addition An aldol addition between an aldehyde or ketone and a silyl enol ether (also known as a ketene silyl acetal) to give a beta-hydroxy carbonyl compound. i 1 Go
Mukaiyama hydration The Mukaiyama hydration is an organic reaction involving formal addition of an equivalent of water across an alkene by the action of catalytic bis(acetylacetonato)cobalt(II) complex, phenylsilane and atmospheric oxygen i 16 Go
N-acylation to amide An acylation reaction where a nitrogen atom is acylated to form an amide. Not included: BOC protection reactants. Reagents include: trifluoroacetic anhydride, phthalic anhydride i 1357 Go
N-acylation to carbamate An N-acylation reaction where a nitrogen centre is acylated to form a carbamate. i 408 Go
N-alkylation Formation of a covalent bond between a nitrogen atom in a substrate and an alkyl group. i 36672 Go
N-hydro-C-cyano-addition Any Reaction with cyanide ion adding to mines, Schiff bases , hydrazine's and similar compounds (March 3rd 6.51) i 34 Go
N-sulfinyl imine hydrolysis Conversion of an N-sulfinyl imine to a terminal imine in acidic hydrolysis i 20 Go
Nazarov cyclisation The acid-catalysed cyclisation of a divinylketone to give a cyclopentenone. i 1 Go
Negishi coupling A carbon-carbon coupling reaction between an organohalide or organotriflate and an organozinc compound. The reaction is catalysed by palladium or nickel. i 20 Go
nitration Formation of a covalent bond between a substrate and a nitro group. i 1 Go
Nitrene reaction Reaction involving a nitrene reactive intermedaiate i 2 Go
Nitrile hydrolysis to acetamide Nitrile hydrolysis to acetamide i 3027 Go
Nitrile reduction to aldehyde Any reduction converting a nitrile to the corresponding aldehyde i 617 Go
nitrile reduction to amine A reduction where a nitrile is replaced by an amine function. i 4200 Go
nitro reduction to amine A reduction reaction where a nitro group is reduced to an amino group. i 28188 Go
nitro-Michael reaction A conjugate addition reaction where a carbon nucleophile adds to an alpha,beta-unsaturated nitro compound. i 3 Go
Nitrogen phosphorus bond formation Formation of any new bond between nitrogen and phosphorus i 16 Go
Norrish reaction is the photochemical cleavage or homolysis of aldehydes and ketones into two free radical intermediates (α-scission). (Source Wikipedia) i 1 Go
Noyori asymmetric hydrogenation, alkene The homogeneous asymmetric catalytic hydrogenation of a C=C double bond using a ruthenium(II) BINAP catalyst. i 4 Go
Noyori asymmetric hydrogenation, carbonyl The homogeneous asymmetric catalytic hydrogenation of a carbonyl bond using a ruthenium(II) BINAP catalyst. i 1 Go
Nozaki-Hiyama-Kishi reaction A coupling reaction of an aldehyde to an allyl, vinyl or aryl halide or triflate in the presence of chromium(II). It is catalysed by nickel. i 1 Go
Nucleophilic addition an addition reaction where a chemical compound with an electrophilic double or triple bond reacts with a nucleophile, such that the double or triple bond is broken. (Source: Wikipedia) i 1705 Go
nucleophilic aromatic substitution a substitution reaction in which a N or O nucleophile displaces a good leaving group, such as a halide, on an electron deficient aromatic ring. Nucleophile can also be Sn,F (source: Wikipedia) i 42948 Go
Nucleophilic aromatic substitution at N-heterocycles Nucleophilic aromatic substitution at N-heterocycles (pyridine, pyrimidine) with N-nucleophiles or O-nucleophiles or S-nucleophiles. Metal free. i 37147 Go
nucleophilic aromatic substitution with S-nucleophiles a substitution reaction in which an sulfur nucleophile displaces a good leaving group, such as a halide, on an electron deficient aromatic ring. i 185 Go
Nucleophilic Vinylic Substitution (SNV) Reaction where a nucleophile displaces a leaving group at a vinylic sp2 carbon atom i 4 Go
O-silyl deprotection Reaction involving the removal of a silyl protective group, e.g. TMS, TES,TBS, TIPS, TBDPS i 7595 Go
O-silylation Formation of a covalent bond between an oxygen atom in a substrate and a silyl group. i 10 Go
Oppenauer oxidation An oxidation of a secondary alcohol to a ketone involving an equilibrium between the alcohol and a reagent ketone present in excess, catalysed by a metal alkoxide. i 1 Go
Organocopper incorporating reaction Any reaction introducing an organocopper bond in a substrate i 1 Go
Organogermanium incorporating reaction Any reaction introducing an organogermanium bond in a substrate i 4 Go
organometallic methylene-de-oxo-substitution Any organometallic reaction converting a ketone to the corresponding methylene, reagents Tebbe, Nysted, Petasis i 14 Go
Organophosphonium compound synthesis Synthesis of phosphonium salts from phosphines and alkyl halides. Usually step preceding a Witting reaction i 342 Go
Organosilicon incorporating reaction Any reaction introducing an organosilicon bond in a substrate i 3 Go
Organotin incorporating reaction Any reaction introducing an organotin bond in a substrate i 2 Go
Organozinc incorporating reaction Any reaction introducing an organozinc bond in a substrate i 1 Go
oxidation at sulfur An oxidation process where the oxidation state of at least one sulfur atom increases. i 6996 Go
oxy-Cope rearrangement A [3,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement of a 3-hydroxy-1,5-hexadiene rearranges to form a 5,6-unsaturated carbonyl compound. i 1 Go
P-alkylation The formation of a covalent bond between a phosphorus atom and an alkyl group. i 10 Go
Paal-Knorr furan synthesis The cyclisation of a 1,4-dicarbonyl compound with an acid catalyst to give a furan. i 24 Go
Paal-Knorr pyrrole synthesis The cyclisation of a 1,4-dicarbonyl compound with an amine to give a pyrrole. i 470 Go
Paal-Knorr thiophene synthesis The cyclisation of a 1,4-dicarbonyl compound with phosphorus pentasulfide to give a thiophene. i 19 Go
Parikh–Doering oxidation an oxidation reaction that transforms primary and secondary alcohols into aldehydes and ketones, respectively. The procedure uses dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as the oxidant and the solvent, activated by the sulfur trioxide pyridine complex (SO3•C5H5N) in the presence of triethylamine or diisopropylethylamine as base (source: Wikipedia). i 16 Go
Passerini reaction The reaction between an isonitrile, a carboxylic acid and aldehyde or ketone to give an alpha-acyloxy amide. i 1 Go
Pechmann pyrazole synthesis Reaction of an organic diazo compound with an acetylene to yield a pyrazole. i 63 Go
Pellizzari reaction the organic reaction of an amide and a hydrazide to form a 1,2,4-triazole. (Source: Wikipedia) i 1 Go
Peptide coupling reaction A reaction between an carboxylic acid or ester and an amine forming an amide, often aided by dedicated coupling reagents i 88104 Go
Peterson olefination A carbon-carbon coupling reaction in which an alpha-silyl carbanion reacts with an aldehyde or a ketone to give an alkene, proceeding via a beta-hydroxysilane. The stereochemistry of the alkene can be controlled by treating the intermediate with acid or base. i 10 Go
phthalimide deprotection Conversion of a phthalimide into the corresponding primary amine. i 1347 Go
phthalimide protection Protection of a primary amino group by reaction with phthalic anhydride. i 333 Go
Pictet-Spengler reaction A condensation-cyclisation of a beta-phenethylamine with an aldehyde to give a tetrahydroisoquinoline. i 2 Go
pinacol rearrangement A rearrangement of a 1,2-diol to give a carbonyl compound, catalysed by acid. i 1 Go
Pinner triazine synthesis Reaction of aryl amidines or halogenated aliphatics amidines with phosgene to yield a 2-hydroxy-4,6-diaryl-s-triazine with loss of ammonia. i 4 Go
Pinnick oxidation oxidation of an aldehyde to the corresponding carboxylic acid using sodium chlorite. Source: Wikipedia i 588 Go
Prilezhaev epoxidation Epoxidation of an alkene by reaction with a peroxy acid. i 472 Go
primary alcohol oxidation to aldehyde An oxidation process where a primary alcohol is transformed into an aldehyde. i 1726 Go
Primary amide synthesis Primary amide synthesis from a carboxylic acid and ammonia. i 3056 Go
Prins reaction A carbon-carbon coupling between formaldehyde and an alkene to give a 1,3-diol or an allylic alcohol, catalysed by acid. i 1 Go
Propargylic nucleophilic addition to an aldehyde Nucleophilic addition reaction subset with an alkyne reactant reacting with an aldehyde forming a propargylic alcohol i 175 Go
pyrazole synthesis A reaction in which the intended product is a pyrazole that was not present in any of the reactants. i 1007 Go
Pyrrole protected amine deprotection Aromatic amines can be liberated by removal of a protecting 2,5-dimethylpyrrole group. Reverse of pyrrole synthesis with acetonylacetone. i 140 Go
pyrrole reduction Partial or complete reduction of a pyrrole to a dihydropyrrole or a pyrrolidine with a reducing agent i 600 Go
pyrrole synthesis A reaction in which the intended product is a pyrrole that was not present in any of the reactants. i 152 Go
Quaternary carbon center synthesis Any reaction adding a queternary carbon center to the scaffold i 151 Go
Radical reaction Any reaction involving radical reactive intermediates i 1 Go
rearrangement step A reaction which preserves the number of rings and number of skeletal atoms and in which the molecule rearranges so that one or more atoms or groups of atoms move from one atom to another. i 1 Go
reduction The complete transfer of one or more electrons to a molecular entity. i 1 Go
Reduction of azides, isocyanates to amines Azides can be reduced to primary amines, isocyanates and isothiocyanate to methyl amines (March 9.15) i 2 Go
Reduction of nitroso & hydroxylamine compounds Reduction of nitroso compounds and hydroxylamines to amines. (March 9-51) i 1 Go
reductive amination A functional group modification where a carbonyl oxygen is replaced by an amine. i 20017 Go
reductive dimerization Any coupling reaction and dimerization of two aryl or alkenyl halides to form a new unsaturated carbon-carbon bond, catalysed by metals such as zinc and copper i 1 Go
Reformatsky reaction A carbon-carbon coupling reaction where an aldehyde or amine reacts with a alpha-halo ester and zinc to form a beta-hydroxy ester. i 1 Go
Riley oxidation is a selenium dioxide-mediated oxidation of methylene groups adjacent to carbonyls (source: Wikipedia). i 82 Go
ring breaking A planned reaction step in which the product has fewer rings than the reactants. i 2 Go
ring contraction A planned reaction step in which an existing ring is reduced in size. i 1 Go
ring expansion A reaction in which an existing ring is increased in size. i 4 Go
ring formation reaction step A planned reaction step where the product contains a ring that was not in any of the reactants. i 2 Go
ring rearrangement A reaction in which the number of rings in a molecule stays the same but the connectivity of the atoms in at least one ring changes. i 1 Go
ring-closing metathesis A joining reaction in which two carbon-carbon double bonds in the same molecule are redistributed to give a cycloalkene. It is typically catalysed by a metal carbenoid, and proceeds via two four-membered intermediates (metallacyclobutanes). The reaction is driven by release of a low-MW alkene. i 352 Go
ring-opening metathesis A ring-breaking reaction in which two carbon-carbon double bonds are redistributed among two fragments, i.e. an alkene and a cycloalkene. It is typically catalysed by a metal carbenoid, and proceeds via two four-membered intermediates (metallacyclobutanes). The reaction is driven by release of ring strain in the cycloalkene. i 1 Go
Robinson–Gabriel synthesis an organic reaction in which a 2-acylamino-ketone reacts intramolecularly followed by a dehydration to give an oxazole (Wikipedia). i 198 Go
Rosenmund-von Braun reaction A carbon-carbon coupling reaction where an aryl halide reacts with copper(I) cyanide to give an aryl nitrile. i 4402 Go
Rubottom oxidation The Rubottom oxidation is a useful, high-yielding chemical reaction between silyl enol ethers and peroxy acids to give the corresponding α-hydroxy carbonyl product i 1 Go
Sandmeyer bromination An aromatic substitution reaction where an aryl diazonium salt reacts with a copper(I) bromide to form an aromatic bromide. i 1068 Go
Sandmeyer chlorination An aromatic substitution reaction where an aryl diazonium salt reacts with a copper(I) chloride to form an aromatic chloride. i 460 Go
Sandmeyer fluorination An aromatic substitution reaction where an aryl diazonium salt reacts with a copper(I) fluoride to form an aromatic fluoride. i 7 Go
Sandmeyer iodination An aromatic substitution reaction where an aryl diazonium salt reacts with a copper(I) iodide to form an aromatic iodide. i 13 Go
Sandmeyer reaction An aromatic substitution reaction where an aryl diazonium salt reacts with a copper(I) halide or pseudohalide to form an aromatic halide or pseudohalide. i 1 Go
Sandmeyer reaction, copper free An aromatic substitution reaction where an aryl diazonium salt or amine reacts with a halogen source to form an aromatic halide or pseudohalide. i 135 Go
Schmidt Glycosylation the coupling of a glycosyl donor to a glycosyl acceptor forming a glycoside using trichloroacetimidates. i 1 Go
Schmidt rearrangement, carboxylic acid The reaction of a carboxylic acid with hydrazoic acid to give the lower homologue amine, with the loss of the terminal carbon atom. i 147 Go
Schotten-Baumann reaction The coupling of an alcohol or amine with an acyl chloride to give an ester or amide. A two-phase solvent system is often used, to enable the acid generated during the reaction to be neutralised by the aqueous base, while the starting materials and products remain in the organic phase. Type of acylation. i 27452 Go
secondary alcohol oxidation to ketone An oxidation process where a secondary alcohol is transformed into a ketone. i 553 Go
secondary, non-terminal alkene oxidation to aldehydes An alkene oxidation process where the reactant is a secondary alkene and the products are the corresponding aldehydes. This can be achieved with warm, acidic potassium permanganate. i 117 Go
Selenium incorporating reaction Any reaction introducing an organoselenium bond into a substrate i 7 Go
Selenoxide elimination is a method for the chemical synthesis of alkenes from selenoxides.Source: Wikipedia i 32 Go
semipinacol rearrangement A rearrangement of a 1,2-diol i 1 Go
Seyferth-Gilbert aldehyde homologation Reaction of an aldehyde with a dimethyl diazomethyl phosphonate under basic conditions to yield a terminal alkyne. i 2 Go
Seyferth-Gilbert homologation Reaction of a carbonyl compound with a dimethyl diazomethyl phosphonate under basic conditions to yield an alkyne. i 74 Go
Seyferth-Gilbert-Bestmann homologation Seyferth-Gilbert aldehyde homologation where the Seyferth-Gilbert reagent is generated in situ by reaction with methanol and potassium carbonate. i 7 Go
Shapiro reaction The reaction of a tosylhydrazone of an aldehyde or ketone with an alkyllithium or Grignard reagent to give an olefin. i 2 Go
Sharpless asymmetric dihydroxylation The dihydroxylation of an alkene to give an alpha,beta-diol, with control of absolute stereochemistry at the two new stereocentres. The oxidising agent is osmium tetroxide, which is used catalytically with a stoichiometric oxidant and a chiral ligand. The reagents are available commercially as AD-mix. i 97 Go
Sharpless asymmetric epoxidation The epoxidation of an allylic alcohol to give a beta,gamma-epoxy alcohol, with control of absolute stereochemistry at the two new stereocentres. The oxidising agent is tert-butyl hydroperoxide, and the catalyst is a complex of titanium salt and optically active diethyl tartrate. i 3 Go
silyl protection A hydroxyl group protection where the hydroxyl oxygen atom is protected by formation of a silyl ether. i 6875 Go
Simmons-Smith reaction A ring formation reaction where an alkene reacts with a dihalomethane in the presence of a metal atom or metal complexes to form a cyclopropane. The traditional reaction uses a zinc-copper couple and diiodomethane. i 2 Go
Sonogashira coupling A carbon-carbon coupling reaction where a terminal alkyne reacts with an aryl halide to give an aryl alkyne. It is catalysed by palladium. i 1 Go
Staudinger reaction A joining of an organic azide and a tertiary phosphine to give a phosphazo compound. i 75 Go
Staudinger synthesis Reaction of an imine and an ketene to form a beta-lactam via a [2+2] cycloaddition. Source: Wikipedia i 1 Go
Still-Gennari modification A Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons reaction that uses phosphonates with electron-withdrawing groups and dissociating conditions to produce predominantly Z-olefins. i 12 Go
Stille coupling A carbon-carbon coupling reaction where a stannane (organotin cmp.) reacts with an organohalide or organotriflate. i 5583 Go
Strecker reaction An addition reaction between a carbonyl compound, an inorganic cyanide and an ammonium salt, followed by hydrolysis, to give an alpha-amino carboxylic acid. i 170 Go
Sulfonamide synthesis Formation of an sulfonamide from an amine and a sulfonyl chloride. Protection reactions excluded i 11665 Go
Sulfonyl chloride synthesis Any reaction forming a sulfonyl chloride (RSO2Cl) from a sulfonic acid (RSO3H) for example with phosphorous oxychloride or thionyl chloride. Also includes the other halides. i 387 Go
Sulfur dioxide extrusion any reaction in which sulfur dioxide is extruded from a ring system (March 7-51) i 6 Go
Suzuki-Miyaura coupling The coupling of two unsaturated halides, triflates or sulfonates with a boron-based reagent, catalysed by a palladium(0) complex. i 593 Go
Swern oxidation The oxidation of a primary alcohol or secondary alcohol to an aldehyde or ketone respectively. Does not work with allylic or benzylic alcohols. i 997 Go
tert-butyl ester deprotection A deprotection reaction where the reactant is a tert-butyl ester and the product is a carboxylic acid. i 8315 Go
Thiazole synthesis Any thiazole ring form reaction. i 1905 Go
Thioamide reduction Any reaction reducing a thioamide NHC=S to the corresponding amine. The thioamide is usually derived from the corresponding amide (see Carbonyl thiation). i 13 Go
Thiocarbonate synthesis i 3 Go
thioketone compound to imine conversion A functional group modification where a thioketone compound is converted to an imine. With an α-carbonyl proton present the reaction product is an enamine. i 257 Go
Thiophene synthesis Any thiophene ring forming reaction i 3 Go
Transesterification Alcoholysis reaction of an ester. Equilibrium reaction acid / base catalyzed (March 0-25) i 77 Go
Transfer hydrogenation Transfer hydrogenation is the addition of hydrogen to a molecule from a source other than gaseous hydrogen i 51 Go
Trifluoromethylation Any organic reaction that introduces a trifluoromethyl group in an organic compound. Source: Wikipedia i 866 Go
triflyloxy Heck reaction A Heck reaction where an organotriflate couples to a terminal olefin to produce an internal olefin, catalysed by palladium. i 21 Go
triflyloxy Sonogashira coupling A Sonogashira coupling where the role of the halide is played by a triflyloxy group. i 137 Go
triflyloxy Suzuki coupling A Suzuki coupling where the rule of the halide is played by a triflyloxy group. i 1864 Go
Tsuji-Trost reaction A carbon-carbon coupling reaction in which a nucleophile reacts with an allyl acetate, allyl halide, allyl carbonate, allyl carbamate, allyl phosphate, allyl sulfone or allyl nitro compound to give an allyl compound. The reaction is catalsed by Pd(0). i 1 Go
Ugi reaction Reaction of a ketone or aldehyde, amine, an isocyanide and carboxylic acid to form a bisamide. i 1 Go
Ullmann reaction A carbon-carbon homocoupling reaction of an aryl halide mediated by copper. i 406 Go
Upjohn dihydroxylation an organic reaction which converts an alkene to a cis vicinal diol with N-methylmorpholine N-oxide as stoichiometric re-oxidant for osmium tetroxide. i 810 Go
Urea synthesis Synthesis of ureas and thioureas by addition of an amine to a isocyanate or isothiocyanate. (March 6-17) i 5003 Go
Van Leusen reaction is the reaction of a ketone with TosMIC leading to the formation of a nitrile. (Source Wikipedia) i 79 Go
Vilsmeier-Haack reaction A formylation of an activated arene with a disubstituted formamide to give an arenecarbaldehyde. i 27 Go
Wagner–Meerwein rearrangement A Wagner–Meerwein rearrangement is a class of carbocation 1,2-rearrangement reactions in which a hydrogen, alkyl or aryl group migrates from one carbon to a neighboring carbon i 1 Go
Weinreb ketone synthesis The conversion of an acid chloride with N,O-dimethylhydroxylamine to form a Weinreb–Nahm amide, and subsequent treatment with an organometallic reagent such as a Grignard reagent or organolithium reagent to form a ketone or aldehyde. (Source Wikipedia) i 2138 Go
Williamson ether synthesis The reaction between an alkyl halide or alkyl sulfate and a metal alkoxide to give an ether. i 29669 Go
Wittig homologization A wittig reaction of an aldehyde with a specific phosphorane to extend a chain by one methylene group i 2 Go
Wittig reaction A carbon-carbon coupling reaction where a carbonyl compound reacts with a phosphonium ylide to give an alkene. i 3443 Go
Wolff-Kishner reduction The reduction of an aldehyde or ketone to the corresponding methylene compound, using hydrazine hydrate and a base. i 295 Go
Xanthate synthesis Xanthate ROC(S)SR' synthesis from an alcohol, CS2 and methyl iodide usually as a precursor for a Barton-McComby deoxygenation i 38 Go
Yamaguchi lactonisation The intramolecular esterification of a carboxylic acid group with an alcohol group using 2,4,6-trichlorobenzoyl chloride (Yamaguchi reagent) - an intramolecular Yamaguchi esterification. i 1 Go
[1,5]-sigmatropic rearrangement A [1,5] sigma tropic shift involves the shift of 1 substituent (hydride, alkyl, or aryl) down 5 atoms of a π system. Source: Wikipedia i 1 Go
[2+2+1] cycloaddition A cycloaddition in which two participants contribute two electrons and the other participant contributes one electron to the transformation of reactants to products. i 1 Go
[2+2] cycloaddition A cycloaddition in which each participant contributes two electrons to the transformation of reactants to products. i 1 Go
[3+2] cycloaddition A cycloaddition in which one participant contributes three electrons and the other participant contributes two electrons to the transformation of reactants to products. i 1 Go
[5+2+1] cycloaddition A cycloaddition in which one participant contributes five electrons and the other participant contributes two electrons to the transformation of reactants to products. i 1 Go
[5+2] annulation i 1 Go
α,α-dihalogenation of carbonyl compounds Dihalogenation of ketones at the alpha position forming a dihalo methylene group i 902 Go

classification based on Ontobee name reaction ontology