The blog

Total count 697

Drunk Janus particles 02 October 2011 - Making It move VI
Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2011 predictions 28 September 2011 - The crystal ball
Meanwhile in the Whitesides lab 24 September 2011 - Part II
Lazy chemistry 14 September 2011 - Orgo
Ataluren trial success: trial aborted. 07 September 2011 - Pharma
Microwaving a Grignard 02 September 2011 - Microreview
FLP recap 26 August 2011 - Frustrated Lewis Pairs
Methanol exonomy latest 18 August 2011 - catalysis
Amino acid inversion trick 11 August 2011 - Biochem
Kibdelone C part II 05 August 2011 - Total synth.