The blog

Total count 697

Synthetic jet fuel in the news 12 February 2021 - Save the planet
Bond lengths finally explained 08 February 2021 - Calculate it.
Realtime copper(I) triflate 05 February 2021 - Electrochemistry
Organocatalytic Suzuki 29 January 2021 - Orgo
CRD for real 31 December 2020 - Mission accomplished
Mechanosynthesis for beginners 23 December 2020 - Oddballs
The dibromoterfluorene shuttle 27 November 2020 - Make it Move XX
One-coordinate aluminum 25 November 2020 - Chemical Zoo
Chemical reaction database update 15 November 2020 - ICT
Buchwald-Hartwig meta analysis 26 October 2020 - Data mining