The blog

Total count 697

New in Taxol 01 July 2014 - Total synthesis
A triply twisted Möbius annulene 26 June 2014 - Compound of Interest
Suzuki without metal 22 June 2014 - Orgo
The B30 anion 10 June 2014 - Chemical zoo
Something blew up in Moerdijk again 05 June 2014 - Chemical industry
Methane activation by Gallium 05 June 2014 - Catalysis
S-Ibuprofen purification by MagLev 01 June 2014 - Applied physics
Methane activation by iron 28 May 2014 - Chemical engineering
Fullerene with wings 15 May 2014 - Orgo
The B18 dianion 13 May 2014 - Chemical Zoo