The blog

Total count 697

The 1,1-Carboboration reaction 21 January 2011 - Nice to have
Desiraju on hydrogen bonds 15 January 2011 - Chemical bonding
Pillararenes 14 January 2011 - Host-guest chemistry
Click chemistry corrupted? 08 January 2011 - Applied chemistry
Moerdijk burns 05 January 2011 - Hot news (updated 28-1)
Removable directing groups 18 December 2010 - Org. Synth. Strategy
Platencimycin relay 15 December 2010 - Total synthesis
Novel carbide anion sighting 12 December 2010 - Inorganic chemistry
Chemical bonds to carbon 11 December 2010 - Wikipedia curation project IV
Metal free (?) coupling reactions 03 December 2010 - OrgaNOmetalllic chemistry